Arts ʻOhana

The East-West Center recognizes the vibrant role culture and arts play in support of its mission. Our Arts ʻOhana provides vital support for the Center to create and share exhibitions and performances with Hawaiʻi’s students and communities, engaging them with cultures both known and unfamiliar through direct interaction with artists and experts from around the world.

Our Arts ʻOhana supporters have established an endowment, pledged a gift in their will or trust, or contributed $1,000 or more annually to advance our Arts Program.

Hand-woven basket made from natural textiles.
Ric Trimillos

“I support the Arts Program because it constantly reminds me of how rich and profound each culture is. It nudges us away from the intellectual and the verbal and provides opportunities for discovery and new experiences for hundreds of Hawai‘i citizens and school children.”

Ric Trimillos (‘64)
Arts ‘Ohana Supporter

Mahalo to our FY2023 Arts ʻOhana Donors

Japanese hanging artwork made of ropes and paper.

Christopher Blasdel

Mary C. Carroll

Paul Chesley

Charlotte Chow

Leonard Chow

Rai Saint Chu

Richard H. Cox

William Feltz

Nancy Fox

Mary Jo Freshley

Gayle Goodman

Mary Therese Hattori

Nancy R. Hiraoka

Maizy Howell

Daniel Katayama

Jane Katayama

Stanley Kawaguchi

Richard Kennedy

Greg Knudsen

Karen Knudsen

James Langworthy

Ning Zhou Langworthy

Corianne Lau

Carol Mon Lee

Anne Miller

Rod Miller

Teruko Murakami

Karlyn Pearl

William Pearl

Steven Prieto

Antonio Pena

Marissa Pena

Shaunagh Robbins

Jean E. Rolles

Charles B. Salmon, Jr.

Michael Schuster

Puongpun Sananikone

Thanh-Lo Sananikone

Gregory H. Smith

Ricardo Trimillos

Virginia Tully

Richard Turbin

Lyndon Wester

William Zanella

Anonymous donor in memory of Drs. Roger and Anna Maria Brault

*As of September 30, 2023

Arts ʻOhana Activities & Events

Arts ʻOhana donors receive exclusive invitations to select gallery openings, performances, outreach activities, and educational events.

For more information, please contact:

Jen Leger
Development Specialist

(808) 944-7105