Planned Giving

Our team is available to explore with you how a planned gift can help achieve your philanthropic goals.

Hands holding tiny white flower and green leaves.

For more information, please contact:

Laurie Komatsu
Director of Philanthropic Partnerships

(808) 944-7437

Jung Song
Chief Development Officer

(808) 944-7110


Sample Bequest Language

Planning your Philanthropic Legacy

IRS Tax ID: 99-0218752

When giving through a planned gift, individuals can enjoy tax advantages on their charitable donations. We recommend seeking guidance from a financial advisor for an outcome tailored to your individual needs.

“I am so lucky to live in Hawai‘i, the home of the East-West Center. That’s why I want to ensure the future of EWC through my estate gift. I get to take advantage of all the rich cultural and educational opportunities the EWC offers and engage with scholars, scientists, political figures, journalists, and other thought leaders who focus on issues affecting us all. What a gift.”

Carol Mon Lee EWCF Legacy Society Donor